Dheeraj Gupta
4 min readMar 31, 2020

Break-ups or depression

The best or worst part of life lessons

Nowadays young people come into the relationship and in a very short time they fall in love they start it saying true love after someday they face a big depression stage and it is called break-up.

There is so many application in play store that offers to dating this day. Inexperienced come over there start swipe right game and start dating but not every time men get a right swipe here but a girl will definitely get 100 swipe in less time. Some people think that it is true love, hookups and time pass for some.

Cheating on your patience is so painful maybe not for you but think if you are in that position then what?Cheating in a relationship is not cool. It’s selfish and hurtful. However, tough situations push people to do things that they regret later. Relationships are tough, they need nurturing and understanding.Sexless relationships are even tougher because physical intimacy is a massive part of any romantic bond. No matter how much you 'love' your partner,the lack of sex often drives things over the edge.

Sometimes your partner may be stressed so the best way is to communicate and figure it out. One of the major reasons for adultery is poor communication between the couple. If you don’t let your thoughts out or address your concerns to your partner, it will only pile on and make the situation worse. In all honestly, it’s humanly not possible to have sex every day and to expect that from your partner is unreal.

But if it’s gone completely missing for months, then it’s a problem. However, it’s not always because your relationship lacks something. It could be work or any other stress which stops your partner from initiating any physical intimacy no matter as much as they want it. The best solutions come out only when you communicate. Hence, talk it out and figure where exactly the problem lies and act on it accordingly. Cheating on your partner is never way out.

Believe it or not, after a point you will feel guilty after a point.

End off the day you love your partner and trust is the only thing that makes you a healthy relationships.

Nobody cheats deliberately, it just happens, however, you need to be truthful and let your partner know about it before they figure out from elsewhere. If you both are ready to give your relationship a second chance, go ahead. If not, it’s advisable to get out of it! To live with the guilt is perhaps the worst feeling ever.

But not having sex doesn’t really justify hurting your partner by cheating on them. Would you be okay, if your partner did that to you? The answer would be a loud NO! Nobody is. It could be chronic stress, hormone imbalance or any medication side effect. Instead of helping your partner figure it out and deal with it, if you only think about your needs, you’re being selfish. Your partner definitely doesn’t deserve to deal with another trauma.

There are different stages, I saw his behaviour towards me changing slowly. Our fights became more frequent and toxic. During one such spat, maybe you face some abuse and maybe they say that they felt very embarrassed to be associated with him. You will be shocked and didn’t know how to react to this statement. The next day may be broke up with you and cut off all communication. Few days after this incident, you saw him with a new partner.

This no doubt would be a disturbing and distressing experience for you. Most people build notions about their selves and their worth on account of the interactions and responses they receive from others, starting from a young age and then as these get reinforced over the years.

The challenge here is twofold - firstly the fact that you have lost a 3-year long relationship and secondly that it has triggered and reopened wounds and voids from the past. It would be important to look at and address both aspects if you are to move ahead of this experience with the least scars. And the most important aspect would be to understand in totality the individual aspects from both your sides which would have led to this situation.
Often in a romantic relationship people ignore the early signs believing it would not repeat or that it’s a minor lapse and it would be important for you to determine if a similar situation may have existed in the context of your relationship as well. Working through these aspects is going to be crucial and you may want to consider seeking the help and support of a professional to help you navigate your way through it as you may find it difficult to explore everything with friends and family.

Better have fun go on emergency vacation with your friend or family member maybe this is the best thing you can do.